
Monday, August 13, 2007

BLUEBERRIES- Summers Superfood

Summer is the time to enjoy the versatility of blueberries as a snack, a perk in pancakes or muffins, or a topping for cereal or yogurt. Along with their burst of flavor, blueberries also offer a serious shot of nutrients. So go ahead and reach for the blueberries. You’re reaching for good health, as well…People have always loved scooping up blueberries in summer. But not until researchers discovered the berry’s powerhouse of antioxidantphytonutrients did blueberries burst onto the nutrition landscape. In fact, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), blueberries have the highest antioxidant activity of 40 vegetables and fruits. And wild blueberries offer approximately 40% more antioxidants than cultivated varieties. So far, scientists around the world have discovered that blueberries may help prevent serious health conditions like heart disease and cancer, as well as promote healthy aging by reversing age-related short-term memory loss. Blueberries may also improve night vision and help prevent urinary tract infection.

All those benefits come in a low-calorie, high-fiber package. One-half cup of fresh berries provides 40 calories, 15% of the daily value for vitamin C (9 milligrams), and about two grams of fiber. And half a cup crams in as much antioxidant power as five servings of some other vegetables and fruits.
What makes blueberries so special? It’s not just one nutrient in blueberries that packs a punch, but a mix of several. Anthocyanins
Behind blueberries’ antioxidant activity are anthocyanins, the pigments (also called flavonoids) that turn vegetables and fruits (such as blueberries) red or blue. Antioxidants, like anthocyanins, fight damage by free radicals, oxygen-containing molecules that attack our cells. More specifically, anthocyanins help protect us from damage that could lead to eye disease, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, ulcers, heart disease, and cancer. They boost the power of vitamin C and strengthen our tissues and blood vessels.

In animal studies, researchers have also found that blueberry antioxidants may protect the brain from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. When aging animals were fed a blueberry-rich diet, their learning and motor skills improved, essentially making their brains act like much younger animals.

Another powerful ingredient in blueberries is resveratrol, a plant chemical also found in the skins of red grapes and peanuts, that protects plants from bad weather, insects, bacteria, and fungi. Scientists believe that the resveratrol in wine is behind “the French Paradox” – the fact that the French eat higher levels of fat than Americans but have a lower rate of heart disease.In fact, when researchers at Harvard Medical School and the National Institute on Aging put mice on a high-fat diet but added a whopping daily dose of resveratrol, they found that the mice lived months longer than the mice on a high-fat diet alone. They also avoided high levels of blood sugar and insulin, the signal of impending diabetes that the high-fat diet-only mice suffered. Other studies show that resveratrol helps against heart disease and cancers – and the levels found in blueberries may be even higher than in red grapes.


Tannins, bitter compounds that help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, are plentiful in most berries, as well as in apples, green tea, grapes, wine, pomegranates, and persimmons. Tannins also aid our bodies’ DNA repair system, which may help defend against the brain damage caused by strokes. In addition, tannins have been linked to the prevention of urinary tract infections and gum disease, as well as a decrease in heart disease. True American Food
Blueberries are one of only three popular fruits native to North America – the other two are Concord blue grapes and cranberries. Today, most blueberries eaten in the U.S. are a high-bush variety grown in New Jersey and Michigan. The low-bush berries that come from Maine and Canada, primarily used for processing and freezing, are much smaller and more intense in flavor.

The good news is that you can benefit from blueberry nutrition year-round since fresh, dried and frozen berries do not differ significantly in nutritional content. Fresh blueberries are available primarily from May through October. They’re best eaten right away, but refrigerated blueberries last for up to five days. Store blueberries in a refrigerator in the original container and rinse right before using.If you notice a powdery look on blueberry skins, don’t worry: It’s a safe, natural protective coating called bloom.If you decide to freeze some, don’t wash them first. Instead, take the fresh berries from their container and place in a single layer on a cookie sheet and put the sheet into the freezer. When the berries are frozen, switch them to a freezer bag, seal and return to the freezer. Wash them when you take them out to eat or cook with. And avoid refreezing, which will affect flavor, texture and color. Once frozen berries are thawed and drained, they can be added to smoothies and batters, although they may turn the batter an unappetizing gray. Minimize this by dusting them with flour before adding them to the batter.